About Us

A Few Words

About Us

Incidence of cancer has been rising exponentially around the globe due to life style changes or advancement in diagnostic modalities. Although cancer is one of the leading causes of death, due to tremendous growth of oncology in the last couple of decades, the life expectancy of oncology patients has also increased. 

Patients with oncological diseases need ICU care for illness related or unrelated to cancer. The needs of these subgroup of patients are different from the rest of ICU patients. These patients are usually immunocompromised due to cancer or chemotherapy. They might have undergone extensive radical surgery in the recent past. Their nutritional status may not be optimum. They might be suffering from chronic pain and anxiety. They might be on medical care for a long time that have already exhausted them emotionally and financially. Some of them are on palliative care with short life expectancy. They may refuse invasive procedures that are usually undertaken in ICU for monitoring and therapeutic purposes.

So critically ill oncology patients are special subgroup of patients who need specialized ICU care. The Onco Critical Care society (OCCS) has been formed to study about onco ctitical care and train doctors who are interested in it.

Onco Critical Care

Aims and Objectives

To promote and coordinate activities in the field of onco-intensive care
To foster research and education
To provide recommendations and guidelines
To organise and coordinate national and international congresses and meetings