
Past Events

Successfully Conducted an online CME on basics of AI for Doctors

Successfully conducted an debate whether steriod should be used in all cases of severe pneumonia

In last 100 years, we have witnessed a steep rise of life expectancy largely due to antibiotics, vaccines and other developments of medical science. However, antibiotic resistance has posed an existential threat to human kind. This is not an eminent danger, but it is   real and present. It can potentially undo the medical development so far and cut down life span of mankind. Onco Critical Care Society would like to recognise individual/institute who are working relentlessly to combat this hazard by awarding “Antimicrobial Steward-2023”. We welcome nominations from individual and institute so that we can find the right person or institute for the award.

Successfully conducted an Award Ceremony to recognize individual / institutional effort to combat antibiotic resistance

Register here for the conference

Registration for OCCC-24 has been open now 

                            There is no spot registration. 

Fees: INR 1000 or USD 12

    After submission this form you will redirect on payment page then you can pay for conference.

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                                                        5 hours and 30 minutes CME credit points by Delhi Medical Council